Trailer to WhyFilterLife

I reached a crucial point in my cognitive development stage of middle age…… create or stagnate 

I chose CREATE.” -Kim

episode 5 Kim Goides episode 5 Kim Goides

Episode 5: Family Finances

Forget the Swear Jar for adolescents and get them saving money with a Roth IRA. Have you ever thought about having money related conversations with your child? What about teaching children about savings accounts, college funds and how to read a financial statement?

Have you every heard of Financial Socialization? Join to hear Author and Financial Consultant, Stephanie Mackara share her life experience with money matters.

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Hands of Mommy, Karsen and Nicholas -  Tree is Daddy

Art from Camp Hands of Hope


Hands of Mommy, Karsen and Nicholas, Tree is Daddy- Artwork Memory from Camp Hands of Hope

“Everybody’s grief journey is different, those emotions run so deep for adults and children and it can be hard to express with words, Camp Hands of Hope curriculum is through artwork and activities that support memory making.”

— Diane Carlson, LMSW, CBC